«TankopediaIcon | Name | Total Cost | Weight | Description |
Mobility Improvement System T1 | 0 | 100 | modernizedTurbochargerRotationMechanism/long_special | |
Mobility Improvement System T3 | 0 | 100 | ||
Mobility Improvement System T2 | 0 | 100 | ||
Enhanced Gun Laying Drive Class 3 | 50 000 | 100 | Improved aiming reduces the aiming time. A vehicle that is equipped with Enhanced Gun Laying Drive fires more accurately. In addition, it improves the rate of fire, since reloading is sometimes faster than fully aiming. | |
Bounty Gun Laying Drive | 100 000 | 100 | ||
Bounty Gun Laying Drive | 100 000 | 100 | ||
Enhanced Gun Laying Drive Class 2 | 200 000 | 100 | ||
Enhanced Gun Laying Drive Class 1 | 600 000 | 100 | ||
Low Noise Exhaust System Class 3 | 50 000 | 100 | The effectiveness depends on the vehicle type. Increases the concealment of a stationary or moving vehicle. Useful for active spotting, as well as for passive spotting from risky positions. | |
Bounty Exhaust System | 100 000 | 100 | ||
Bounty Exhaust System | 100 000 | 100 | ||
Low Noise Exhaust System Class 2 | 200 000 | 100 | ||
Low Noise Exhaust System Class 1 | 600 000 | 100 | ||
Bounty Stabilizer | 100 000 | 100 | Reducing your gun dispersion is critical: the smaller the initial dispersion, the smaller the aiming circle and the quicker you can fully aim your gun. In addition, an unprepared shot (that is fired without fully aiming or on the move) will have a better chance of hitting the target. | |
Bounty Stabilizer | 100 000 | 100 | ||
Vertical Stabilizer Class 2 | 200 000 | 100 | ||
Vertical Stabilizer Class 1 | 600 000 | 200 | ||
Binocular Telescope Class 3 | 50 000 | 50 | A good view range provides a solid advantage to vehicles in battle. This type of equipment is beneficial for tank destroyers with low silhouettes and accurate guns. It activates 3 seconds after the vehicle stops moving. | |
Binocular Telescope Class 2 | 200 000 | 50 | ||
Binocular Telescope Class 1 | 600 000 | 50 | ||
Improved Hardening Class 3 | 40 000 | 0 | Increases vehicle durability, load capacity, and repair speed. Reduces hull damage caused by suspension damage during impact. Fully restores suspension hit points after repairs. Reduces the chance of destruction of a track upon receiving damage, allowing your vehicle to remain on the move as long as possible. | |
Bounty Hardening | 100 000 | 0 | ||
Bounty Hardening | 100 000 | 0 | ||
Improved Hardening Class 2 | 200 000 | 0 | ||
Improved Hardening Class 1 | 600 000 | 0 | ||
Improved Radio Set | 600 000 | 100 | Increases the time an enemy remains spotted after leaving your vehicle's view range. Reduces the time you remain spotted for enemies. It is most effective when combined with the Designated Target and Call for Vengeance perks. | |
Bounty Rotation Mechanism | 100 000 | 200 | Increases hull and turret traverse speed for vehicles with turrets. Increases hull and gun traverse speed for vehicles with stationary cabins. Reduces gun dispersion during movement and during hull and turret traverse, as well as after firing. It is more effective when combined with the Clutch Braking perk. | |
Bounty Rotation Mechanism | 100 000 | 200 | ||
Improved Rotation Mechanism Class 2 | 200 000 | 200 | ||
Improved Rotation Mechanism Class 1 | 600 000 | 200 | ||
Light Spall Liner | 50 000 | 250 | Spall liners absorb damage; this means they reduce the damage from ramming and High-Explosive shells. Spall liners will be beneficial to heavy tanks with reliable armor and huge ramming potential that fight mainly in close combat. | |
Medium Spall Liner | 200 000 | 500 | ||
Heavy Spall Liner | 500 000 | 1000 | ||
Superheavy Spall Liner | 750 000 | 1500 | ||
Bounty Aiming | 100 000 | 100 | Reduces the size of the aiming circle to increase the accuracy of an aiming or fully aimed gun. As a result, your gun has a better chance of hitting the target. | |
Bounty Aiming | 100 000 | 100 | ||
Improved Aiming Class 2 | 200 000 | 100 | ||
Improved Aiming Class 1 | 600 000 | 100 | ||
Turbocharger Class 3 | 50 000 | 100 | Increases engine power, providing better acceleration, maneuvering, and ascending of terrain slopes. Increases the vehicle's maximum forward and reverse speed, allowing you to take positions and escape enemy return fire quicker. | |
Bounty Turbocharger | 100 000 | 100 | ||
Bounty Turbocharger | 100 000 | 100 | ||
Turbocharger Class 2 | 200 000 | 100 | ||
Turbocharger Class 1 | 600 000 | 100 | ||
Commander's Vision System | 600 000 | 100 | Reduces the concealment of moving enemies and the foliage concealment coefficients of enemies during spotting. This allows you to spot moving enemies from longer distances and more effectively spot enemies that are concealed by bushes or fallen trees. | |
Bounty Rammer | 100 000 | 200 | Rate of fire is one of the most important characteristics of your vehicle. This equipment is quite beneficial in a battle and should be mounted on your vehicles. However, rammers cannot be mounted on vehicles with a magazine loading system. | |
Bounty Rammer | 100 000 | 200 | ||
Gun Rammer Class 2 | 300 000 | 200 | ||
Gun Rammer Class 1 | 600 000 | 400 | ||
Bounty Protection Technology | 100 000 | 100 | Accelerates repairs. Increases the durability of the ammo rack, fuel tanks, and engine. Reduces the loading time penalty and loss of engine power upon the damaging of the corresponding modules. Reduces the chance of engine fire. Prevents one fuel tank fire, ammo rack explosion, and engine destruction in a battle upon the destruction of the corresponding module. It is more effective when combined with the Repairs, Safe Stowage, and Preventative Maintenance perks. | |
Bounty Protection Technology | 100 000 | 100 | ||
Modified Configuration Class 2 | 200 000 | 50 | ||
Modified Configuration Class 1 | 600 000 | 50 | ||
Coated Optics Class 3 | 50 000 | 0 | Unlike Binocular Telescope, Coated Optics (of any type) provides a smaller yet permanent bonus that does not disappear with vehicle movement. As a result, Coated Optics is highly beneficial for vehicles with active gameplay—light and medium tanks. | |
Bounty Optics | 100 000 | 0 | ||
Bounty Optics | 100 000 | 0 | ||
Coated Optics Class 2 | 200 000 | 0 | ||
Coated Optics Class 1 | 600 000 | 0 | ||
Improved Ventilation Class 3 | 50 000 | 100 | Improves a number of characteristics of your vehicle: view range, fire rate, aiming time, dynamic characteristics, and more. However, the provided bonus from this equipment will only be noticeable in combination with the Brothers in Arms perk trained to 100% by your crew. | |
Bounty Ventilation | 100 000 | 100 | ||
Bounty Ventilation | 100 000 | 100 | ||
Improved Ventilation Class 2 | 200 000 | 150 | ||
Improved Ventilation Class 1 | 600 000 | 200 | ||
Survival Improvement Suite T2 | 0 | 0 | modernizedExtraHealthReserveAntifragmentationLining/long_special | |
Survival Improvement Suite T3 | 0 | 0 | ||
Survival Improvement Suite T1 | 0 | 0 | ||
Accuracy Improvement System T2 | 0 | 100 | modernizedImprovedSightsEnhancedAimDrives/long_special | |
Accuracy Improvement System T3 | 0 | 100 | ||
Accuracy Improvement System T1 | 0 | 100 | ||
Camouflage Net Class 3 | 50 000 | 50 | The effectiveness depends on the vehicle type. Camouflage Net is mainly beneficial for stealthy vehicles: SPGs and tank destroyers with a low silhouette. It increases the effect of the Concealment perk. Combining them will provide a good bonus for your vehicle. Camouflage Net activates 3 seconds after the vehicle stops moving. | |
Camouflage Net Class 2 | 100 000 | 50 | ||
Additional Grousers Class 3 | 50 000 | 100 | Increases vehicle traverse speed and maintains speed when crossing all types of terrain. It is considerably effective when driving on soft and moderately soft terrain. It is most effective when combined with the Clutch Braking and Off-Road Driving perks. | |
Additional Grousers Class 2 | 250 000 | 100 | ||
Additional Grousers Class 1 | 500 000 | 100 | ||
Fire-Control System T1 | 0 | 100 | modernizedAimDrivesAimingStabilizer/long_special | |
Fire-Control System T3 | 0 | 100 | ||
Fire-Control System T2 | 0 | 100 | ||
Directives | ||||
Experimental Optics | 4 000 | 0 | An improved version of Coated Optics (+10% to view range) that provides a stronger effect: +13.5% to view range. This equipment is suitable for vehicles of all nations and types. Can be demounted using bonds only. | |
Increased Shell Resistance | 5 000 | 0 | An improved version of Improved Hardening: +12.5% to vehicle hit points, +75% to suspension durability, +30% to suspension repair speed, +10% to load capacity, –75% to hull damage caused by suspension damage during impact. Fully restores suspension hit points after repairs. Reduces the chance of destruction of a track upon receiving damage, allowing your vehicle to remain on the move for as long as possible. This equipment is suitable for vehicles of all nations and types (except SPGs). Can be demounted using bonds only. | |
Improved Configuration | 5 000 | 50 | An analogue of Modified Configuration that provides a stronger effect. This equipment is suitable for vehicles of all nations and types. Can be demounted using bonds only. | |
Venting System | 5 000 | 100 | An improved version of Ventilation (+5% to crew efficiency bonus) that provides a stronger effect: +8.5% to crew efficiency. This equipment is suitable for vehicles of all nations and types. It can only be demounted using bonds. | |
Improved Compressor | 5 000 | 100 | An improved version of Turbocharger (+7.5% to engine power, +4 km/h to top forward speed, +2 km/h to top reverse speed): +12.5% to engine power, +6 km/h to top forward speed, +4 km/h to top reverse speed. This equipment is suitable for vehicles of all nations and types (except wheeled vehicles). Can be demounted using bonds only. | |
Wear-Resistant Gun Laying Drive | 5 000 | 100 | An improved version of Enhanced Gun Laying Drive (+10% to aiming speed) that provides a stronger effect: +13.5% to aiming speed. This equipment is suitable for vehicles of all nations and types. Can be demounted using bonds only. | |
Improved Final Drive | 5 000 | 200 | An improved version of Improved Rotation Mechanism that provides a stronger effect: +17.5% to gun traverse speed, +17.5% to hull traverse speed, and -17.5% to dispersion during movement and turret rotation. This equipment is suitable for vehicles of all nations and types. Can only be demounted using bonds. | |
Stealth Exhaust Unit | 5 000 | 100 |
An enhanced version of Low Noise Exhaust System that provides a stronger effect: increases the concealment of a stationary or moving vehicle. Useful for active spotting, as well as for passive spotting from risky positions. This equipment is suitable for vehicles of all nations and types, but its effectiveness depends on the vehicle type. Can only be demounted using bonds. |
Innovative Targeting | 5 000 | 100 | An enhanced version of Improved Aiming that provides a stronger effect: reduces the size of the aiming circle of an aiming or fully aimed gun by 9%. As a result, your gun has a better chance of hitting the target. This equipment is suitable for vehicles of all nations and types, except SPGs. Can only be demounted using bonds. | |
Innovative Loading System | 5 000 | 200 | An improved version of Rammer (-10% to loading time) that provides a stronger effect: -13.5% to loading time. This equipment is suitable for vehicles of all nations and types. Can be demounted using bonds only. | |
Stabilizing Equipment System | 5 000 | 100 | An improved version of Vertical Stabilizer (–20% to dispersion after firing, and during movement and turret rotation) that provides a stronger effect: –27.5% to dispersion after firing, and during movement and turret rotation. This equipment is suitable for vehicles of all nations and certain types. Can be demounted using bonds only. |